
​Aiming to address how the environment has been mistreated since the beginning of the 20th century, the production brings back historical characters and compiles testimonies from representatives of diverse groups related to the theme: the list includes indigenous people, environmentalists, journalists, artists and intellectuals, among other people who have been fighting to preserve this legacy. “Florestania” (lit. forestinzenship), a word that synthesizes the concepts of citizenship and forest rights, is the genetic code of our identity.​

Christiane Torloni, Miguel Przewodowski
Christiane Torloni, Miguel Przewodowski
Christiane Torloni, Miguel Przewodowski

Christiane Torloni, Miguel Przewodowski

​A movie, theatre and TV star, the actress Christiane Torloni led the “Amazon Forever“ movement, supported by more than 1 million signatures. Miguel Przewodowski is a journalist, director and screenwriter.​

  • Amazônia, o despertar da florestania
  • Amazônia, o despertar da florestania
  • Amazônia, o despertar da florestania
  • Amazônia, o despertar da florestania
  • Amazônia, o despertar da florestania