
For the first time in 1991 the North American public watched the screening of a trial on television. Pamela Smart was accused of killing her husband with the help of her lover, a 16-year-old teenager. The case had a huge impact on the media, inspiring a series of books, TV programs and films. Amongst them was To Die For, with Nicole Kidman in the main role and directed by Gus Van Sant. The documentary offers a new look at the way the trial was televised and evaluates the role of the media and public opinion on the final result. Sundance Film Festival 2014.

Jeremiah Zagar

Jeremiah Zagar

Nasceu em 1981 nos EUA . Dirigiu seu primeiro curta documentário, Delhi House, aos 19 anos. Dirigiu ainda outros curtas, como Baby Eat Baby (2004) e Coney Island 1945 (2005). Em 2008, estreou na direção de longas com In a Dream, sobre o fim do casamento de seu pai, o artista plástico Isaiah Zagar, premiado no SXSW e indicado ao Emmy. Fundou a produtora Herzliya Films junto com o produtor Jeremy Yaches. Este é o seu segundo longa-metragem.

  • Captivated, The Trials of Pamela Smart
  • Captivated, The Trials of Pamela Smart
  • Captivated, The Trials of Pamela Smart
  • Captivated, The Trials of Pamela Smart