
Will we be able to contain some of the most fatal substances ever made? A legacy of the Cold War, 100 million litres of radioactive mud is covering a vast terrain that is equally contaminated. Around the world, goverments mobilise in a desperate battle to protect future generations. This observational rehearsal reveals details about this threatening area of death, as well as investigating the arms industry, the Fukushima power station and the deep underground. A manifesto about a disquieting present and a problematic future.

Peter Galison, Robb Moss
Peter Galison, Robb Moss

Peter Galison, Robb Moss

Galison é professor de história da ciência na Pellegrino University e de física em Harvard. Em 1998, recebeu o Prêmio Pfizer de melhor livro do ano por History of Science. Foi novamente premiado em 1999 com o Max Planck e o Humboldt Stiftung Prize. Moss dirigiu The Same River Twice (2003), indicado ao Independent Spirit Award no ano seguinte. Juntos dirigiram Secrecy (2008), exibido no Sundance Film Festival.

  • Containment
  • Containment
  • Containment
  • Containment
  • Containment