
El Celler de Can Roca, considered one of the best restaurants in the world, is famous for bringing ingredients together in surprising ways. The tireless brothers behind the Catalan restaurant – Joan, Josep and Jordi – closed the restaurant for five weeks and went on a trip to do gastronomic research, taking their whole team with them. The film documents the group’s experiences and findings in the USA, Mexico, Colombia and Peru, where they reinterpret and pay homage to the traditions and ingredients, and encounter local talent.

Luis González, Andrea Gómez
Luis González, Andrea Gómez

Luis González, Andrea Gómez

Gonzalez e Gómez são responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento e pela produção dos projetos audiovisuais da agência de conteúdo do BBVA. Esta é a estreia de ambos na direção de longa-metragem.

  • Cooking Up a Tribute
  • Cooking Up a Tribute
  • Cooking Up a Tribute
  • Cooking Up a Tribute
  • Cooking Up a Tribute
  • Cooking Up a Tribute
  • Cooking Up a Tribute
  • Cooking Up a Tribute


Edição 2023