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Joana is a teenager fueled by literature and rock. She is living in Paris with her family, when Brazil decrees amnesty to political dissidents, in late 1979. From one day to the next, and against her will, the family plans their return to the country she barely knows. In Rio de Janeiro, where she was born and where her father disappeared in the basement of the Department of Order and Social Politics (DOPS), her past reemerges. Not everything is real, not everything is imagination, but in "remembering", Joana engraves her own history in the present, in first person.



É roteirista e diretora. Há tempos se alterna entre ficção e documentário, no Brasil e na França. Em 2010, dirigiu seu primeiro longa metragem, o documentário Diário de uma busca. Este é seu primeiro longa de ficção.

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