
Mavie is 27 years old and has just left the south of France to live in Paris. She has always dreamed of a future as a writer, but is plagued by doubts and uncertainties. George, 76, owns a bookstore and has little disposition for humans in general - or is it just an excuse to hide from his past? Mavie is still full of aspirations, until something magical happens between these two peculiar creatures, forever changing their plans. A film about the multifaceted nature of a love that goes beyond the barriers of age. Berlin Film Festival 2017.

Élise Girard

Élise Girard

Nasceu em Thouars, na França. Estudou línguas estrangeiras e técnicas de mídia antes de trabalhar como roteirista. É diretora de filmes como Seuls sont les indomptés - L'aventure des cinémas action (2003), Roger Diamantis ou La vraie vie (2005) e Belleville-Tokyo (2010).

  • Drôles d'oiseaux
  • Drôles d'oiseaux
  • Drôles d'oiseaux
  • Drôles d'oiseaux
  • Drôles d'oiseaux
  • Drôles d'oiseaux