
A cinematic puzzle links the lives of three apparently unconnected women: Simone, 13 years old, needs to learn to feel emotions again after the trauma of seeing her mother murdered; Simone, 25 years old, is a solitary woman trying to control her panic attacks and keep her job in an underground car park; and Simone, 60 years old, is an experienced doctor who gives a lecture about the nature of time. Three stories and three dreams are connected in a vertiginous déjà vu about time and fear. Toronto Film Festival 2015.

Andre Turpin

Andre Turpin

Nasceu em 1966, em Quebec. Fez carreira como diretor de fotografia de filmes dirigidos por Denis Villeneuve, como Un 32 août sur terre (1998), Maelström (2000) e Incêndios (2010); e Xavier Dolan, como Tom na fazenda (2013) e Mommy (2014). Estreou na direção com Zigrail (1995). Participou do Sundance Film Festival em 2014 com o curta-metragem Prends-moi, codirigido com Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette.

  • Endorphine