
​At 14, Theodomiro Romeiro dos Santos joins the fight against the Brazilian military dictatorship. At 18, he is captured by military agents. Resisting arrest, he kills one of them, who had tried to shoot one of his comrades. Having survived nine years in jail and all the torture that came with it, he receives more death threats and decides to breakout. Now, 40 years later, this film revisits with Theo his route of scape. He is accompanied by his son Guga, who for the first time, gets into contact with his father’s true story.​

Emília Silveira
Emília Silveira
Emília Silveira

Emília Silveira

​Screenwriter and documentary filmmaker, she is a founding member of 70 Filmes. As artistic director of the company, she directed the feature Setenta (2013) and the TV series Histórias de um tempo de guerra, Tá no quadro, and Expedição água.​

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  • Galeria F


Edição 2023