
Ely is 17 years old and lives in the neighborhood of Boca in Buenos Aires. She is in her senior year of high school and works in a pet shop to supplement the family’s income. Upon discovering that she is pregnant from Raul, the pet shop’s owner, her inner world collapses. While trying to maintain her daily routine as if nothing had happened, she is overwhelmed with fear and anguish. The oppressing society and her mother’s fragile health isolate and force her to mature early. Making the decision that will change her life forever will allow her to have a fresh start. Horizons section, 2017 Venice Film Festival.

Pablo Giorgelli

Pablo Giorgelli

Nasceu em Buenos Aires, em 1967. Trabalha com cinema desde 1993 como diretor de curtas e montador. Seu primeiro longa, Las acacias (2011), estreou na Semana da Crítica do Festival de Cannes, onde ganhou a Câmera de Ouro, além do prêmio ACID. É também codiretor do programa Janelas abertas, do Canal Brasil.

  • Invisible
  • Invisible