
‘Assassins’ is an illegal website for contracting hitmen via reverse auctions: here, who bids least wins. Kiri secretly controls this site, monitoring each movement in the hope of finding a killer against whom he has been seeking revenge since he was a child. One day, a hitman breaks one of the website’s basic rules and kills people other than the target. Furthermore, he leaves bodies with the eyes torn out, just like the man Kiri is looking for. Could he be the murdered Kiri is looking for?

Koichi Sakamoto

Koichi Sakamoto

Nasceu em 1970, em Tóquio. Foi para os EUA ainda jovem, onde trabalhou como diretor, produtor e coordenador de dublês da série Power Rangers. Retornou ao Japão em 2009, onde dirigiu Kamen Rider W Forever: A to Z/The Gaia Memories of Fate (2010). Já dirigiu episódios de TV e filmes de três das principais franquias de super-heróis japoneses: Kamen Rider, Super Sentai e Ultraman.

  • Kiri: Shokugyô Koroshiya
  • Kiri: Shokugyô Koroshiya
  • Kiri: Shokugyô Koroshiya
  • Kiri: Shokugyô Koroshiya
  • Kiri: Shokugyô Koroshiya
  • Kiri: Shokugyô Koroshiya
  • Kiri: Shokugyô Koroshiya
  • Kiri: Shokugyô Koroshiya
  • Kiri: Shokugyô Koroshiya