
Exhausted from too much work, Alfonso goes to the beach to take a dip in the ocean. Upon returning to the surface, he is on another beach, at another time. His parents are there, calling his name. He looks at himself and recognizes his adult body, but still they treat him like an 11-year-old boy. This is the beginning of a fantastic journey through the many vacations of his life, where situations come one after another without chronological order, always interrupted by the amused nostalgia of his girlfriends, childhood friends, his daughter and his loneliness. San Sebastián 2017.

Adrián Biniez

Adrián Biniez

Nasceu em 1974, em Buenos Aires. Dirigiu curtas como 8 horas, eleito melhor curta-metragem no BAFICI 2006. Por seu primeiro longa, Gigante (2009), recebeu o Urso de Prata e os prêmios Alfred Bauer e melhor filme de estreia no Festival de Berlim, além do prêmio de melhor filme em festivais como Gramado, Cartagena e San Sebastián. Com El 5 de talleres (2014), integrou a mostra Venice Days, do Festival de Veneza.

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Edição 2023