• Segundo Tempo
  • Segundo Tempo
  • Segundo Tempo

​Ana and Carl, two young brothers who never got along, are looking for answers after suffering a great loss in their family. The two try to find, in Brazil and Germany, their own ways and identities, crossing the history of their family and the twentieth century.​

Rubens Rewald

Rubens Rewald

​Rubens Rewald is a screenwriting teacher at ECA/USP. He wrote and published the books Caos/Dramaturgia and Autor espectador. For theatre, Rubens Rewald wrote award-winning plays such as Umbigo and Rei de copas. He wrote and directed the short films Cânticos and Mutante, and the features Corpo, Super nada and Segundo tempo. He also made the documentaries Esperando Telê, Rainha Hortência & Magic Paula, 800m and Intervenção.​

  • Segundo Tempo
  • Segundo Tempo
  • Segundo Tempo


Edição 2023