
This is a true story about the making of The Room, the cult classic described as the “Citizen Kane of bad movies.” Since its release in 2003, it has captivated audiences on the midnight movie circuit with its discombobulated plot, discordant performances, and inexplicable dialogue. Every facet of the film baffles, none more so than the uncanny yet magnetic presence of its eccentric creator and star, Tommy Wiseau. The film chronicles the production as recalled by Wiseau's friend and reluctant co-star Greg Sestero. Directed and starred by James Franco. SXSW and Toronto 2017.

James Franco

James Franco

Nasceu em 1978, em Palo Alto, Califórnia. É ator, diretor, roteirista e produtor. Atuou em filmes como a trilogia Homem-Aranha (2002, 2004, 2007), Milk: a voz da igualdade (2008), 127 horas (2010), pelo qual foi indicado ao Oscar de melhor ator, e Spring Breakers: Garotas perigosas (2012). Dirigiu filmes como As I Lay Dying (2013), Child of God (2013), Interior. Leather Bar. (2013) e In Dubious Battle (2016).

  • The Disaster Artist
  • The Disaster Artist
  • The Disaster Artist
  • The Disaster Artist
  • The Disaster Artist