• Tinta bruta
  • Tinta bruta
  • Tinta bruta
  • Tinta bruta
  • Tinta bruta

​At a particularly difficult time in his life, Pedro has to deal with a criminal charge and his sister moving to the other side of the country. Alone in the dark world of his bedroom, in a form of catharsis, he takes on the codename GarotoNeon and dances with the anonymity guaranteed by layers of neon paint on his skin, while thousands of strangers watch him through the webcam. Screened at the Berlin Film Festival in 2018, the film won the awards for Best Film - Teddy Awards and Best Film Panorama (CICAE jury).​

Marcio Reolon, Filipe Matzembacher

Marcio Reolon, Filipe Matzembacher

​Marcio Reolon and Filipe Matzembacher, directors, screenwriters and producers, are partners at the production company Avante Filmes, based in Porto Alegre. Their first feature is Beira-Mar (2015), which debuted at the Berlin Film Festival and was awarded Best Film at the Rio Festival’s Novos Rumos section.​

  • Tinta bruta
  • Tinta bruta
  • Tinta bruta
  • Tinta bruta
  • Tinta bruta


Edição 2023