
During a hike, a group of five children gets lost in the woods after their teacher eats a small fruit and faints. Trying to get back home, the kids find Tom, a 14 year old who has managed to escape from school and currently lives inside an oak. Tom promises to help him, once they have unlearnt everything they picked up in school and his car is fixed. The children agree to his terms and say they must also retrieve the teacher. But the forest is full of threats. One of them is the big bad wolf who might be able to fix Tom’s car, provided they can get him a good meal in return.

Manuel Pradal

Manuel Pradal

Born in Montpellier, France, in 1968. He graduated in film at La Femís, in Paris. His graduation film, Canti, was featured at the Cannes Film Festival in 1991. His first feature film was Marie Baie des Anges (1997). He went on to direct Ginostra (2002), Un crime (2006) and La Blonde aux seins nus (2006).

  • Tom le Cancre
  • Tom le Cancre
  • Tom le Cancre
  • Tom le Cancre
  • Tom le Cancre
  • Tom le Cancre