
​São Paulo, 1984. Agostinho, a decadent physics teacher, is married to Januária and teaches at a night high school for adults. He falls in love with his student Márcia, an unstable young woman who is a drug addict and is HIV positive. Divided between the family routine and his affair with Márcia, Agostinho risks it all, and in a mix of passion and insanity, he purposely contaminates himself with HIV. Surprisingly Agostinho will benefit from Januária’s understanding and compassion. ​

Alain Fresnot
Alain Fresnot

Alain Fresnot

​Born in France, he majored in cinema at the University of São Paulo and is the former president of the São Paulo State Cinema Commission and the São Paulo State Filmmakers Association; he is also a member of the National Cinema Agency’s Film Advisory Council. In 1975 he founded the production company Acauã, which was later named A.F. Cinema e Vídeo. Throughout his career he has contributed to the national film circuit with more than 10 films.​

  • Uma noite não é nada
  • Uma noite não é nada
  • Uma noite não é nada