
Showing the vulva frightens bears and lions, can make wheat grow taller, calms the tides and makes the demons fearful. The devil will run away. Showing the vulva can save the world. The vulva is omnipotent. Although nudity is no longer a taboo, showing the vulva makes people very uncomfortable. This documentary is the result of wide ranging and non sensationalist research on the history of female anatomy from the 16th Century to today. It addresses censorship, bans, anatomical errors and mutilations, as well as the beauty and originality of women’s organ of pleasure.

Claudia Richarz, Ulrike Zimmermann

Claudia Richarz em 1955 nasceu na Alemanha. Estudou comunicação visual na Universidade de Hamburgo. Realizou documentários para cinema e TV como diretora ou fotógrafa, incluindo a série Abnehmen in Essen (2000). Ulrike Zimmermann nasceu em 1960 na Alemanha. Em 1989, fundou a produtora MMM Film Production e produziu filmes como Unveiled (2005), de Angelina Maccarone, e Getting Rich in Iraq (2013), que ela mesma dirigiu.

  • Vulva 3.0
  • Vulva 3.0
  • Vulva 3.0
  • Vulva 3.0
  • Vulva 3.0
  • Vulva 3.0


Edição 2023