
In March 2011 and April 2012, Gisela Motta & Leandro Lima followed two shamans meetings in the Watoriki village in the Amazon, in order to collaborate on an audiovisual record of the meetings. This film is an outcome of these meetings, in partnership with sociologist Laymert Garcia dos Santos, film researcher Stella Senra, and ethnologist-writer Bruce Albert. The film follows the sensorial work of the xapiri (shamans or spirit-person), since the meeting in Watoriki until the evolution of Utupë rituals where shamans attract beings that help them lead healing battles against evil that reaches the world’s apparent cosmoecological order. The camera and film editing symbolically accompany the different ritual stages with approaches, overlays and deformation of the image to cause the audience to immerse in the ceremony.

Leandro Lima, Gisela Motta, Laymert Garcia dos Santos, Stella Senra, Bruce Albert

  • Xapiri
  • Xapiri
  • Xapiri
  • Xapiri
  • Xapiri
  • Xapiri
  • Xapiri
  • Xapiri
  • Xapiri
  • Xapiri