
Born deaf and blind, Marie Heurtin has no way to communicate with those around her. Unable to cope with his daughter’s violent behaviour, Marie’s father takes her to the famed Larnay Institute. It is there that Marie meets Sister Marguerite, a young nun who takes Marie as a daughter. Armed with her faith, Sister Marguerite will work tirelessly to bring Marie out of her solitary and silent own world. Based on a true story. From the director of Romantics Anonymous. Locarno Film Festival 2014.

Jean-Pierre Améris

Jean-Pierre Améris

Nasceu em 1961, na França. Graduou-se no Institut des Hautes Études Cinematographiques, em Paris. Com seu segundo filme, Les aveux de l’innocent, ganhou o prêmio da juventurde do Festival de Cannes, em 1996. Dirigiu ainda Más companhias (1999) e C’est la vie (2001), vencedor do prêmio de melhor diretor no Festival de San Sebastián. Em 2010, dirigiu Românticos anônimos, exibido no Festival do Rio.

  • Marie Heurtin
  • Marie Heurtin
  • Marie Heurtin


Edição 2023