
Black comedy about the confused English filmmaker Emil Forester. When a film festival in the Autonomous Republic of Karastan shows an interest in putting on a retrospective of his two and a half films, he decides to show up in person. Although the days are crazy the retrospective goes well and between flirting and marriage proposals, Emil enjoys himself. But soon he realises why he was invited: the president Aleluyev wants him to direct an epic about the medieval hero Karastani, founder of the country. After a brief moment of doubt Emil agrees to do it.

Ben Hopkins

Ben Hopkins

Nasceu em Hong Kong e foi criado no norte de Londres. Estudou em Oxford e na Royal College of Art. É roteirista dos filmes Simon Magnus, exibido no Festival de Berlim 1999, e The Market: A Tale of Trade, vencedor do prêmio de melhor ator no Festival de Locarno 2008, entre outros. Estreou como diretor em 1996 com o curta National Achievement Day. Dirigiu ainda os documentários Footprints (2003) e 37 Uses for Dead Sheep (2006).

  • Lost in Karastan
  • Lost in Karastan
  • Lost in Karastan


Edição 2023