
​In 2011, the artist and activist George Gittoes created the Yellow House, an art collective in Jalalabad, Afghanistan’s second biggest city. There he works with children and outcasts in this war-ridden territory dominated by Taliban. Providing the local children with video equipment, he encourages them to make their own films. Among the kids, is Steel, the leader of a gang called Gangsters, a 9-year-old boy that walks around with a razor on his mouth, terrorizing people. In this way, these kids get to recover part of their lost childhood.​

George Gittoes

​1949, Sydney, Australia. Over the last 45 years he has lived and worked in countries suffering from violent social conflicts, including Cambodia, Rwanda, Somalia, Nicaragua, Philippines, and Bosnia. Filmography: Tracks of the Rainbow (1982), The Bullets of the Poets (1987), Soundtrack to War (2005), Rampage (2006 Berlin Film Festival), The Miscreants of Taliwood (IDFA, 2009), and Love City, Jalalabad (2013 Sydney Film Festival).​

  • Snow Monkey
  • Snow Monkey


Edição 2023