
The actor George Takei, the Sulu captain of the classic Star Trek, has had a life full of surprises; from his childhood in a North American concentration camp in the Second World War, to pilot of the Enterprise spaceship, internet celebrity and activist. This documentary follows Takei and his husband Brad, in their daily struggle to defend homosexual rights, as they also prepare a musical based on the actor’s childhood. We are shown the public life and the intimate moments of this fun and adorable couple. Official selection at Sundance Film Festival 2014.

Jennifer M. Kroot

Jennifer M. Kroot

Nasceu em São Francisco, Califórnia. Formou-se em cinema pela San Francisco State University e pelo San Francisco Art Institute, onde leciona atualmente. Estreou como diretora de longas-metragens com o filme de ficção científica Sirens of the 23rd Century (2003), exibido em diversos festivais, e dirigiu ainda o documentário It Came from Kuchar (2009), sobre os gêmeos cineastas Mike e George Kuchar – este último seu mentor no SFAI.

  • To Be Takei
  • To Be Takei
  • To Be Takei


Edição 2023