
​The Sun and Water - “father” and “mother’ of life on Earth - invite you for an amazing journey through the most amazing sunrises on the planet. From the inhospitable desert of Baja California to the merciless cycle of the Pantanal waters, through the temperate forests in Canada, the tropical seas and the African savannahs. The sunrises reveal breathtaking landscapes, exotic animals, and fierce battles for survival. Despite man's misdeeds, this film shows how life is renewed every morning, bringing us a message of optimism and hope.​

Lawrence Wahba

Lawrence Wahba

​1968, Sao Paulo, Brazil. He is a diver, underwater videographer, TV host, and documentary producer. He has directed and produced 17 documentaries, 67 TV series episodes and more than 700 news stories. As a cinematographer, he has won an Emmy for his work on the documentary series América Indomável. Currently, he presents the show Reino Animal: diários de Lawrence Wahba, on NatGeo channel. This is his first feature film.​

  • Todas as Manhãs do Mundo
  • Todas as Manhãs do Mundo
  • Todas as Manhãs do Mundo
  • Todas as Manhãs do Mundo
  • Todas as Manhãs do Mundo
  • Todas as Manhãs do Mundo
  • Todas as Manhãs do Mundo
  • Todas as Manhãs do Mundo
  • Todas as Manhãs do Mundo


Edição 2023