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​Over two years, actor Sergio Britto, 88, faces a challenging creative process with director Isabel Cavalcanti in a Samuel Beckett play. The two characters being played on stage mingle with the actor himself: one man who is losing his memory, obsessed with recording his story, and another man who can't get off the stage. A dramatic accident takes place in the middle of the shootings and highlights Sergio Britto's passion for the theater.​



​Isabel Cavalcanti is a director, actress and author, nominated for a Shell Best Direction 2013, Cesgranrio Best Actress 2017, Best Play and Direction (2013/2014) and Arte Qualidade Brasil Best Direction Awards. Célia Freitas is an editor and video artist. She edited the features Torre das donzelas, Missão 115 and Condor. She co-directed the TV show Guardiãs da Floresta. Her video installations were shown in Brazil and abroad.​

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  • A Última Gravação
  • A Última Gravação


Edição 2023