
As a boy, Ivan lived with his mother, Nana, on the outskirts of the farm where she worked and took care of Gully, his frail younger brother. Indifferent to Nana’s responsibilities, Ivan retreated to his own world, a place where he could track the flying moves of Inti, his hawk. Even with the help of a healer, a tragedy destroys the fragile bonds of the family. Years later, Ivan becomes a father and decides to go out in search of a reunion with his​mother. The same director of The Milk of Sorrow. The Berlin Film Festival in 2014 .

Claudia Llosa

Nasceu em 1976 em Lima, no Peru. Formou-se em cinema pela Escuela de Artes y Cine TAI, em Madrid. Seu primeiro filme, Madeinusa, foi escolhido como representante do Peru no Oscar de melhor filme estrangeiro 2007. A teta assustada, seu segundo longa, recebeu o Urso de Ouro e o prêmio FIPRESCI no Festival de Berlim 2009. Em 2012, dirigiu Loxoro, curta produzido por Juan José Campanella e vencedor do prêmio Teddy no Festival de Berlim 2012.

  • Aloft
  • Aloft
  • Aloft
  • Aloft
  • Aloft


Edição 2023