
For 25 years, Brenda Myers-Powell was known as ‘Breezy’ and thought she was king of her world, in which she was a prostitute and drug addict. After a violent encounter with a client, she wakes up in hospital and decides it is time to change her life. Now she is a symbol of hope and strength for hundreds of women and girls who want to change their lives. Following the routine of charming and charismatic Brenda, we get to know a hidden world through the eyes of a survivor. Winner of best documentary directing at the Sundance Film Festival competition in 2015.

Kim Longinotto

Kim Longinotto

Nasceu em 1952, em Londres. Estudou câmera e direção na Escola Nacional de Cinema e TV em Beaconsfield, Inglaterra. Documentarista, ficou conhecida por seu trabalho dedicado a questões da luta das mulheres. Ganhou melhor documentário no Sundance Film Festival com Rough Aunties (2008) e participou da mesma competição com Salma (2013). Seu Sisters in Law (2005) ganhou o prêmio C.I.C.A.E. em Cannes, e Divorce Iranian Style (1998) ganhou um BAFTA.

  • Dreamcatcher
  • Dreamcatcher
  • Dreamcatcher


Edição 2023