
Kamiura is not a typical Yakuza boss: he has a good heart, sticks up for his neighbours and gives loans to small businesses. Until a matador dressed in 17th Century Spanish attire arrives in town and exposes something about Kamiura: he is a vampire. Soon Kagayama, young protegé of the boss, discovers his boss’ powers and goes to the streets to lead a gang of citizens in order to protect what belongs to them. An out-there and violent new film by Japanese master Takashi Miike. Director’s Fortnight at Cannes, and Toronto Film Festival 2015.

Takashi Miike

Takashi Miike

Nasceu em 1960, no Japão. Um dos mais prolíficos cineastas da atualidade, assinou dezenas de longas-metragens, transitando entre gêneros como horror, comédia, ficção científica, policial e suspense, sempre imprimindo seu estilo particular. Entre seus filmes mais conhecidos estão Fudoh – The Next Generation (1996), Audition (1999), Visitor Q (2001), Ichi – The Killer (2001), Gozu (2003) e Sukiyaki Western Django (2007).

  • Gokudo daisenso
  • Gokudo daisenso
  • Gokudo daisenso
  • Gokudo daisenso
  • Gokudo daisenso


Edição 2023