
​Herbert de Souza (‘Betinho’), sociologist and activist, was born a hemophiliac, then he faced and beat tuberculosis, life underground, and exile. He became a symbol of Amnesty and, with AIDs, began the first campaigns about the disease. He leads several social movements and the Movement for Ethics in Politics. In 1993, he launches the Citizens’ Action Against Hunger and in Favour of Life, a campaign that mobilises millions of Brazilians and changes the course of the country. In a perennial fight against injustice and death, Betinho’s saga reveals an essential character in Brazilian history.​

Victor Lopes

Victor Lopes

​He directed Bala perdida (2003), a short that won 20 awards at domestic and international festivals. Língua – Lifes in Portuguese (2004), his first feature, was shown in 50 countries and won awards in Brazil and Portugal. In 2009, he directed Eliezer Batista, the Engineer of Brazil, and in 2012, As aventuras de Agamenon, o repórter, which was seen by 950,000 people. Serra Pelada: The Legend of the Mountain of Gold (2010) won three awards.​

  • Betinho – A esperança equilibrista
  • Betinho – A esperança equilibrista
  • Betinho – A esperança equilibrista
  • Betinho – A esperança equilibrista
  • Betinho – A esperança equilibrista
  • Betinho – A esperança equilibrista


Edição 2023