
We follow Mason´s life in Texas with his sister and divorced parents, from childhood to the end of adolescence. His father seems more childish than the boy himself, while his mother is struggling to finish her studies and falling for the wrong guys. The story is filmed intermittently between 2002 and 2013 by the director Richard Linklater (Before Sunrise and Before Midnight), following the young actor Ellar Coltrane as he gets older. This unique experience gives us an intimate overview of the desires and anxieties of growing up. Best Director at the Berlin Film Festival 2014.

Richard Linklater

Richard Linklater

Nasceu em 1960 em Houston, Texas. Em 1985, fundou a Austin Film Society. Ficou conhecido em 1991, com Slacker, exibido na competição de Sundance. Sua filmografia plural conta com filmes como Jovens, loucos e rebeldes (1993), Waking Life (2001), Escola do rock (2003) e a trilogia Antes do amanhecer (1995), Antes do pôr do sol (2004) e Antes da meia-noite (2013). Pelos dois últimos, foi indicado ao Oscar de melhor roteiro.

  • Boyhood
  • Boyhood
  • Boyhood
  • Boyhood
  • Boyhood


Edição 2023