
In Michoacán, Mexico, Dr Jose Mireles, known as ‘El Doctor’, leads a group of rebels who fight against the violent drug cartel that has been destroying the region for years. In Altar Valley, Arizona, an area of the desert known as the ‘cocaine spot’, Tim ‘Nailer’ Foley, a war veteran, leads the Arizona Border Recon, a paramilitary group whose aim is to prevent the Mexican war on drugs from crossing into US territory. In places where institutions have failed, these groups attempt to instil their own forms of justice. Best director and photography, Sundance 2015.

Matthew Heineman

Matthew Heineman

Produziu e dirigiu vários curtas-metragens e comerciais. Fez parte do time de produtores da série da HBO The Alzheimer's Project (2009), ganhadora de dois Emmy. Estreou na direção com o longa documentário Out Time (2009). Em 2012, dirigiu, ao lado de Susan Froemke, Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare, exibido na competição do Sundance Film Festival e indicado a um Emmy.

  • Cartel Land
  • Cartel Land
  • Cartel Land


Edição 2023