• Central do Brasil
  • Central do Brasil

Dora makes a living by writing letters for illiterate people at Rio de Janeiro's main train station, Central Station. At home, she re-reads the letters along with her friend Irene, and, together, they decide which ones deserve to actually be sent. When one of her clients is hit by a car, her nine-year-old son Josue remains alone at the station, lost. Unwillingly, Dora takes the boy in and ends up going with him to Brazil's remote Northeast, in search of his father. The two, so different, get closer as they travel across the country.

Walter Salles
Walter Salles

Walter Salles

Carioca, nascido em 1956, construiu trajetória de prestígio na ficção e no documentário. O exílio e a busca de identidade são temas centrais em sua obra. Na ficção, coleciona êxitos como Terra Estrangeira (1995), co-dirigido com Daniela Thomas, e o consagrador Central do Brasil (1998), vencedor do Urso de Ouro de Ouro no Festival de Berlim e do Globo de Ouro, além de duas indicações ao Oscar.

  • Central do Brasil
  • Central do Brasil


Edição 2023