
How can your life change in one moment? Texas 1989. Richard Dane, the father of a family, kills Freddy Russel in his own home in an act of legitimate self-defence. Hailed as a hero he soon has to face Freddy’s father, the ex-convict Ben Russel, who comes in search of revenge. But the small town corruption and paranoia transform the two enemies into unlikely allies. Two fathers who guilt ridden, go out in search for the truth, helped by the eccentric private investigator. Based on the novel by Joe R. Lansdale with Michael C. Hall (Dexter). Sundance and Cannes 2014.

Jim Mickle

Jim Mickle

Nasceu em 1979 na Pensilvânia. Apaixonou-se por cinema na adolescência ao ver Uma noite alucinante 3 (1992), de Sam Raimi. Estudou na Universidade de Nova York. Dirigiu seu primeiro longa em 2006, Mulberry Street – Infecção em Nova York. Com Stake Land – Anoitecer violento (2010), foi selecionado para a seção Midnight Madness do Festival de Toronto. Seu terceiro longa, Somos o que somos (2013), passou nos festivais de Cannes e no Sundance.

  • Cold in July
  • Cold in July
  • Cold in July
  • Cold in July
  • Cold in July
  • Cold in July


Edição 2023