
Tina is 17 and lives in Berlin and has everything a girl her age could want: she is sexy, has fun friends and parents who give her everything she wants. After a crazy night, she becomes haunted by a bizarre and repugnant creature that no-one else can see. After a while, Tina manages to overcome all her loathing and to get to know herself better through her contact with the creature. Her friends and parents, however, think she is going mad. Shown at the Filmmakers of the Present Awards at Locarno Film Festival 2015.



Achim Bornhak, conhecido como AKIZ, nasceu em 1969, na Alemanha. Estudou direção na Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. Seu filme de formatura foi indicado ao Oscar. Em 1995, foi para Los Angeles fazer mestrado na University of Southern California, onde começou a produzir documentários. Dirigiu vários curtas-metragens, dentre eles Evokation (2010), Painting Reality (2010) e Novakania (2015). Estreou em longas com Vida selvagem (2007).

  • Der Nachtmahr
  • Der Nachtmahr
  • Der Nachtmahr
  • Der Nachtmahr


Edição 2023