
On the border between the real and the fantastic, the colonial times and the overwhelming modernity of agribusiness, the city of Goiás is the stage where a young woman, Fernanda, comes across secrets about her past. After the death of her foster mother, she returns to her wealthy uncle's house to implode certainties and let the painful truth about her origins come to light.

Flávia Neves

Flávia Neves

Flávia Neves graduated in Cinema and Literature in Brazil and studied Screenwriting at EICTV in Cuba. Her first short film, Liberdade (1998), was shown at FICA. She also worked as an assistant director and producer on short films and documentaries for cinema and TV. In 2019, she directed and scripted the series Amanajé, O Mensageiro do Futuro (TV Cultura). Fogaréu is her debut fiction feature.

  • Fogaréu
  • Fogaréu
  • Fogaréu
  • Fogaréu
  • Fogaréu
  • Fogaréu
  • Fogaréu


Edição 2023