
Seven stories portray contemporary Iranian reality, touching on subjects such as lack of money, drug use, prostitution and unwanted pregnancy. All the characters have something in common. They are in love. The film is a great love story, between mothers and children, husbands and wives, men and women. Their passion gives them the strength to overcome the difficulties be they social or emotional. With light stylistic changes from one story to another, the film is based on complex female characters. Winner of the award for Best Screenplay at Venice Festival 2014.

Rakhshan Banietemad

Nasceu em 1954 em Teerã. É formada em artes pela Universidade de Artes Dramática de Teerã. Ficou conhecida como a primeira cineasta mulher do Irã e seus filmes tiveram muito sucesso com o público e a crítica locais. Entre seus longas, destaca-se Canary Yellow (1988), Nargess (1992), The Blue-Veiled (1995), vencedor do Leopardo de Bronze no Festival de Locarno, Under the City's Skin (2001) e Our Times (2002), também exibido em Locarno.

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Edição 2023