
The couple Lu Yanshi and Feng Wanyu are forced to separate when Lu is arrested and sent to a worker’s camp as a political prisoner. At the same time, his wife is injured in an accident. Freed during the last days of the Cultural Revolution, Lu finally returns home, only to discover that his beloved wife has amnesia and remembers very little of her past. As a stranger in his wife’s heart, Lu is determined to bring back the past and awaken the memory of his loved one. From the director Zhang Yimou, of Hero and The House of Flying Daggers. Cannes 2014

Zhang Yimou

Zhang Yimou

Nasceu em 1951 em Xi'an, na China. Formado pela Escola de Cinema de Pequim em 1978, iniciou sua carreira como ator e diretor de fotografia. Em 1987, estreou na direção com O sorgo vermelho, ganhador do Urso de Ouro no Festival de Berlim. Considerando um dos grandes nomes da chamada quinta geração de cineastas chineses, sua premiada filmografia inclui Lanternas vermelhas (1991), Herói (2002) e Flores do Oriente (2011), entre outros.

  • Gui Lai
  • Gui Lai
  • Gui Lai
  • Gui Lai
  • Gui Lai


Edição 2023