
Lucca is preparing for exams. She intends to follow in her father’s footsteps and become a lawyer. One night she finds the door to the city aquarium open and goes in, just as an animal activist graffitis a slogan on the glass. Caught by the guard, she is arrested and sentenced to do community service in an mental hospital. There she meets Valerie, a friend of an old lady called Herma, who has just died. Valerie is going to carry out Herma’s last wish. Lucca decides to help her, without knowing the risks involved. In doing so, she makes essential discoveries about herself.

Petra Clever

Petra Clever

Nasceu em 1970, na Alemanha. Após trabalhar como assistente em programas de televisão e cinema, estreou na direção em 2000. Em 2010, fundou sua produtora Sistas Inspiration, ao lado de Karola Keller. Dirigiu os curtas Lady Pochoir (2010) e The Mermaids (2012). Esta é a sua estreia na direção de um longa-metragem.

  • Happy End?
  • Happy End?
  • Happy End?
  • Happy End?


Edição 2023