
A man enters a clearing, dons a mask, plays a flute, and waits. He is soon joined by other masked people carrying machetes, spears, and bows. They take him to a place deep in the jungle where a ceremony is about to commence, and an elder explains the rules. The ritual takes place once every 12 years. It begins with the full moon, and no one may leave until the new moon rises. Identities beneath the masks must not be revealed. A fascinating investigation on human nature and how it manifests in the modern world of endless distraction. Locarno and Toronto 2016.

Khyentse Norbu

Nasceu em 1961, no Butão. Frequentou as mais importantes escolas de budismo tibetano, além de estudar cinema e política nos EUA. Em 1999, dirigiu o primeiro filme butanês, A copa, exibido em festivais como Toronto e Karlovy Vary. Dirigiu ainda Viajantes e mágicos (Toronto 2003) e Vara: uma bênção (2013), exibido nos festivais do Rio e de Tribeca.

  • Hema Hema: padainuok man, kol laukiu
  • Hema Hema: padainuok man, kol laukiu
  • Hema Hema: padainuok man, kol laukiu
  • Hema Hema: padainuok man, kol laukiu
  • Hema Hema: padainuok man, kol laukiu


Edição 2023