
Set in Salento, in Southern Italy, a small family run textile factory is forced to close down and three generations of women now struggle to stay afloat. It falls to energetic Adele to find a way out of their crisis as her sister just dreams of becoming an actor and her daughter doesn’t even grasp the reality of the situation. To pay off their debts they sell their home and move to the countryside. Nonetheless, once these women move, their life seems to find its own rhythm as they begin cultivating the soil and selling or bartering their produce. Shown at the Berlin Film Festival 2014.

Edoardo Winspeare

Nasceu em 1965 em Klagenfurt, Áustria. Estudou na Universidade de Televisão e Cinema em Munique e em 2000 fundou a produtora Saietta Film. Vive com sua esposa e filhos em uma aldeia próxima a Santa Maria di Leuca, em Salento, lugar que serve de cenário para todos os seus filmes, entre eles Sangue vivo (2000), Il miracolo (2003), Galantuomini (2008) e L'anima attesa (2013).

  • In Grazia di Dio
  • In Grazia di Dio


Edição 2023