
The attack on French newspaper Charlie Hebdo, in January 2015, was shocking in its brutality. But it was not a unique occurrence: in the following two days, another four separate incidents resulted in 20 deaths. Paris and the world were in shock. But the reactions to these events were powerful, with millions protesting in cities in France, Europe and the Americas. Gathering journalism and interviews, the film is a tribute to the 11 journalists of Charlie Hebdo who were killed in the attack. Toronto Film Festival 2015.

Daniel Leconte, Emmanuel Leconte
Daniel Leconte, Emmanuel Leconte

Daniel Leconte, Emmanuel Leconte

Daniel nasceu em Oran, na Argélia. Emmanuel, filho de Daniel, nasceu na França, é ator e diretor. Em 2008, dirigiu o longa documental C'est dur d'être aimé par des cons. Juntos dirigiram a série documental I Love Democracy, exibida entre 2012 e 2013. Esta é a primeira parceria de Emmanuel e Daniel na direção de um longa-metragem.

  • L'humour à mort
  • L'humour à mort
  • L'humour à mort


Edição 2023