
In a village in the mountains in Anatolia, tradition demands that boys circumcision be celebrated with a big party. Little Mert has to go through the procedure but his father, Ismail doesn’t have any money to pay for the celebration. Despite the insistence of the family, no one in the town is willing to donate the lamb to be served to the guests on the big day. While they are looking for a solution to the problem, Mert’s sister terrorises him, saying that if their father doesn’t manage to get a lamb, Mert will be served as dinner to the guests. Berlin Festival 2014.

Kutlug Ataman

Nasceu em 1961 em Istambul. Estudou cinema na Universidade da Califórnia, em Los Angeles, e na Sorbonne, em Paris. Dirigiu seu primeiro longa-metragem em 1994, The Serpent's Tale. Por Lola and Billy the Kid, recebeu o prêmio de melhor filme no Gay & Lesbian Film Festival de Turim. Dirigiu ainda Two Girls (2005) e Aya Seyahat (2009).

  • Kuzu
  • Kuzu
  • Kuzu
  • Kuzu
  • Kuzu
  • Kuzu
  • Kuzu
  • Kuzu


Edição 2023