
Leading the life of an unemployed person, actress Sofia, a radical vegetarian, decides to make a "vow of disconnection": for one year, she intends to live without a mobile phone, TV, or internet. Radical in her change of behavior, Sofia also decides to disconnect from her husband, spending most of her time with the children at her parents house. But soon, her longing for peace and harmony is threatened when her father, Manuel, announces that he is separating from her mother after 35 years of marriage. From the director of Bonsai. Shown at the Toronto Film Festival 2014.

Cristián Jiménez

Cristián Jiménez

Nasceu em 1975 em Valdivia, no Chile. Possui mestrado em sociologia pela London School of Economics. Em 2004, rodou seus primeiro curtas, Hong Kong e El tesoro de los caracoles, seguidos de XX, em 2006. Seu primeiro longa, Ilusões óticas, foi exibido no Festival do Rio 2009. Em 2011, dirigiu Bonsai, filme baseado no livro homônimo de Alejandro Zambra, exibido na mostra Um Certo Olhar do Festival de Cannes.

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Edição 2023