
The film is a transposition of the novel Ancient Tillage by Raduan Nassar. In an extremely Brazilian atmosphere, is dominated by a universal current of classical Mediterranean tradition, To the Left of the Father is the dark side of the parable of the Prodigal Son. Based on the story of a Lebanese immigrants family in the Brazilian countryside, the film brings to the screen themes such as love, incest, prostitution, homosexuality and family relations. To the Left of the Father is a tragic drama about the eternal struggle between tradition and freedom, under the aegis of time.

Luiz Fernando Carvalho

Luiz Fernando Carvalho

Film and TV director. Born in Rio de Janeiro, majored in literature and architecture. His first feature film, To the Left of the Father (2001), has more than 50 national and international awards. On television he directed soap operas like Renascer (1993), The King of the Cattle (1996), Meu Pedacinho de Chão (2014), and Velho Chico (2016), as well as TV series and specials such as The Maias (2001), Today Is Maria's Day (2005), Afinal, O Que Querem As Mulheres? (2010), Subúrbia (2012), and Correio feminino (2013), all for the channel TV Globo. He directed the miniseries Dois irmãos, adapted from Milton Hatoum´s work, which will air in January 2017.

  • Lavoura arcaica
  • Lavoura arcaica
  • Lavoura arcaica


Edição 2023