
Zino is 27 years old and has just buried his deceased mother. Son of Algerian immigrants, he has always believed that his father, Farid, abandoned his mother 20 years ago and returned to Algeria. But a great mystery of his past is about to be unveiled: the truth is that his father never returned to his homeland, didn’t divorce his mother and doesn’t have the same name. A lesson on how to embrace life, whatever it may be. With Fanny Ardant. Screened at the 2017 Locarno Festival.

Nadir Moknèche

Nasceu em Paris, em 1965. Estudou dramaturgia na Escola Nacional de Teatro de Chaillot e direção na New School for Socal Research, em Nova York. É diretor de filmes como O harém de Madame Osmane (Karlovy Vary 2002), Viva Algeria (Karlovy Vary 2004), Os encantos de Paloma (2007, Prêmio Lumière de melhor filme de língua francesa) e Goodbye Morocco (2012).

  • Lola Pater
  • Lola Pater
  • Lola Pater


Edição 2023