
When the same sex weddings were legalised in New York, Ben and George, together for 39 years, finally formalised their union. But when George is fired by the Catholic school he works at, the couple have to sell their apartment and temporarily live separately. George moves in with some friends, a couple and Ben goes to Brooklyn to live with his nephew, his wife and the couple’s teenage son. It requires continual effort to live in these new spaces and they try to adapt to the situation. With John Lithgow and Alfred Molina.

Ira Sachs

Ira Sachs

Nasceu em 1965 em Memphis, Tennessee, nos EUA. Estreou na direção em 1992 com Vaudeville e em 1996 dirigiu seu primeiro longa, The Delta, exibido no Festival de Toronto no mesmo ano. Com 40 tons de azul (2005), venceu o Grande Prêmio do Sundance Film Festival. Entre seus filmes, destacam-se Vida de casado (Toronto 2007) e Deixe a luz acesa, exibido no Sundance Film Festival e vencedor do prêmio Teddy no Festival de Berlim 2012.

  • Love is Strange
  • Love is Strange
  • Love is Strange


Edição 2023