• Lulu
  • Lulu
  • Lulu

Lucas and Ludmilla - or just Lulu - are young street urchins on the streets of Buenos Aires. Very much in love, they live unconcerned with the limits of their world. For their mutual entertainment and to make Lulu laugh, Lucas engages in small criminal activity, like impulsively robbing a pharmacy (and breaking into song and dance in the process), or peppering public monuments with shotgun blasts. For these two lovers, the city is a playground whose societal rules apply to all but them. A vibrant depiction of young love through the streets of Argentina’s capital. Toronto 2014.

Luis Ortega

Luis Ortega

Nasceu em Buenos Aires, onde estudou cinema na Universidad del Cine. Estreou na direção com Caja negra (2002), vencedor do prêmio especial do júri no Festival de Mar del Plata. Seguiram-se Monobloc (2005), menção honrosa na mostra Horizontes do Festival de San Sebastián, Los santos sucios (2009), exibido em Toronto, Verano maldito (2011) e Dromómanos (2012), melhor direção no BAFICI.

  • Lulu
  • Lulu
  • Lulu


Edição 2023