
The National Gallery in London is one of the most important museums in the world. It is home to more than 2,400 paintings that range from the Middle Ages until the end of the 19th century, representing the history of the western world. Master of documentary filmmaking, Frederick Wiseman, takes us on a journey to the heart of this institution, we are shown around and meet its visitors, employees, researchers and restorers. He also explores the relationship between age old painting and the cinematic narrative of the present day. Selected for Director’s Fortnight at Cannes 2014.

Frederick Wiseman

Nasceu em 1930 em Boston. É um dos principais nomes do documentário, tendo dirigido 40 filmes no formato. É um dos precursores do movimento que ficou conhecido como Cinema Direto, com filmes como Titicut Follies (1967); Primata (1974); Violência doméstica (2001); State Legislature (2007); La Danse (2009); Boxing Gym (2010), exibido na Quinzena dos Realizadores no Festival de Cannes; Crazy Horse (2011) e Em Berkeley (2013).

  • National Gallery
  • National Gallery
  • National Gallery
  • National Gallery
  • National Gallery


Edição 2023