
A hungry catfish mistakes a kid’s basketball that was floating in the river with a meal, and tries to eat it. The ball ends up trapped in his mouth, preventing the catfish from returning to normal feeding as well as from staying underwater.

Luiz Botosso, Thiago Veiga
Luiz Botosso, Thiago Veiga

Luiz Botosso, Thiago Veiga

Dirigiram Bartô (2006), Mocó Jack (2007), Dontinho (2008), O caminho da cachoeira ao nascer do sol - Ponte Affonso Penna (2009), Memória ferroviária em Goyaz (2011), Carreiros da fé (2015) e Agente Pereira (2017).

  • O bagre de bolas
  • O bagre de bolas
  • O bagre de bolas


Edição 2023