
Distraught after losing his girlfriend in a car accident, the poet Adam gives up his job as a literature professor to work in a supermarket. But all he wants is to sleep so as to escape his painful reality. In the middle of apocalyptic visions, influenced by tragic news from the newspapers including the crash of the Polish president’s plane, his only consolation in these difficult times is reading the Divine Comedy. In the middle of so much turbulence, Dante’s masterpiece brings some meaning to the poet’s life. From the same director as the The Mill and The Cross.

Lech Majewski

Lech Majewski

Nasceu em 1953 em Katowice, Polônia. Formou-se pela Academia de Belas Artes de Varsóvia e pela Escola Nacional de Cinema, em Lodz. No início dos anos 1980, após a instauração da lei marcial na Polônia, Mudou-se para os Estados Unidos, país que lhe concedeu dupla nacionalidade. Em 1996, produziu e coescreveu Basquiat, de Julian Schnabel. Como diretor, destacam-se os longas Wojaczek (1998), Angelus (1999) e O moinho e a cruz (2011).

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Edição 2023