
Anna was a confident and brave child. Today, nearing 50, she lives obsessed by her family’s problems: a financial hardship for elderly parents, her unemployed brother and Arturo, his other brother, who is deaf-mute. To abstain from the numerous family conflicts that explode in her house, Anna lives in a sad world, suspended between good and evil. In his visions, a dense and heavy seas grows as dark clouds surround your head. Her life takes color when an actor appears, making Anna finally feel loved. Best actress award at the Venice Film Festival 2015.

Giuseppe M. Gaudino

Giuseppe M. Gaudino

Nasceu na Itália. Entre seus filmes destacam-se Round the Moons Between Earth and Sea (1997), vencedor do Tiger Award no Festival de Roterdã e dos prêmios CinemAvvenire, Isvema e Pasinetti no Festival de Veneza. Por Maquilas (2004), ganhou o prêmio especial do júri em Turim. Voltou a Veneza em 2010 com Per questi stretti morire (ovvero cartografia di una passione). Dirigiu 0567 – Appunti per un documentario su Pozzuoli (1988), entre outros.

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Edição 2023